Tsunami Field Survey of The 21st April 2007 Landslide Tsunami in Aysén, Chile.
Author: Patricio Winckler Grez, teacher at Ocean Engineering - Universidad de Valparaíso, Student - PhD. in Civil Engineering, Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cornell University.
This note is intended to provide the basic information required to model the 21st April 2007 tsunami generated by a series of landslides in Puerto Aysén, Chile. The landslides were triggered by a 6.2 earthquake following 2 months of intense seismic activity in Aysén fiord. The earthquake occurred at 13:53 (local time) and, as a consequence of the tsunami10 people died, salmon cages were destroyed and houses in the fiord’s coastline were washed away.
The Ocean Engineering Group (OEG) at the University of Valparaiso compiled the information collected by different agencies (SHOA1, SAF2, SG3 and SERNAGEOMIN4), carried out numerical models to reproduce this event and assessed the risk of other sources for landslide tsunami within the fiord. This note gives a brief explanation of the available data to numerical modelers who may be interested in studying this event, but gives no consideration to results found by the OEG. The detailed information is available on request at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..
My opinion is that this information will be of great interest as this landslide event is probably oneof the most well documented landslides tsunamis in history, as high quality bathymetric data,run-up records and even a tide gage record are available for its characterization. There is alsocomplementary information in the form of photographs and videos which may be helpful tointerpret the results.
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